Find It For Me | FIFM | | are all legal terms used to identify Find It For Me Pty Ltd, a company registered in South Africa | RSA.
FIFM members are businesses or individuals providing any type of business service (or other) being advertised on up to eight online digital portals on for a prescribed membership fee.
For a limited time frame effective 01 July 2021 until such time as FIFM determines otherwise, new members signing up via either of FIFM’s two payment options [R9’999 R4’999 x 1 Best Value Once-off Payment Nothing To Pay Ever Again Lifetime MemberorR1’050 x 5 Budget Beater 5 Months Easi-Pay Lifetime Member] will enjoy the following lifetime benefits:-
1. Unlimited advertising, edits & posts on a minimum of 8 online digital platforms within the website.
2. Said 8 online digital platforms are Walk In Biz’s | Online Biz’s | Deals | Events | Products | Services | Menus | Good News.
3. Complete editorial & content control via unfettered access to a personal member’s smart-post dashboard.
3.1. In order to protect all member’s integral rights, all posts & edits require mandatory approval by FIFM, a process which takes no longer than 24 hours at most.
4. Inclusion at no extra cost of additional online digital advertising platforms FIFM integrates in due course.
5. All initial profile setup.
Soon to be announced additional bouquet of free B2B business support features aimed to help our valued member’s growth & success.
FIFM reserves the right to introduce other commercially focused features & services which may carry a fee separate to the above services, however, the above listed items will never be subjected to additional fees or costs provided the member has signed up with FIFM via either of the aforementioned and restated two payment options i.e. [R9’999 R4’999 x 1 Best Value Once-off Payment Nothing To Pay Ever Again Lifetime Member or R1’050 x 5 Budget Beater 5 Months Easi-Pay Lifetime Member].
FIFM is an online platform offering free to search business & services information across up to eight online digital platforms within
FIFM provides an online platform for individuals, businesses & organisations to provide honest & true information about their business services, known as FIFM member listings.
FIFM will not under any circumstances sell member listings information to any 3rd party.
Members listing their services on FIFM understand fully that by doing so does not constitute any kind of job / work / employment offer in any way or form whatsoever, nor does it guarantee you will receive employment / new business / extra business as a result of listing your.
FIFM will not accept listings of any nature that may cause offence to any party. This may include but not limited to pornographic content, hate speech, culturally or religiously offensive material etc. FIFM reserves the sole right to accept, reject, suspend or discontinue any such listings it may deem may be offensive in nature to well-being of our online community without any notice or explanation whatsoever.
FIFM members listing their services confirm full understanding that all content and information listed are their own individual, professional, business or organisation views, opinions or information and FIFM will in no way, either privately, professionally or legally be held accountable; nor does FIFM represent any listed member in any individually or professionally in any legal / other capacity whatsoever
Likewise FIFM’s online visitors accessing &/or making use of information listed on FIFM understand that FIFM’s responsibilities, both legally & professionally, are solely to provide an informational platform & does represent any parties listed on FIFM in any legal or other capacity whatsoever. While FIFM will always do its very best to ensure listed information is accurate & true, FIFM will not be held legally accountable in any matter whatsoever for any inaccuracies, miss-truths, poor or substandard service by listed members.
All information & material in this website should not be construed as endorsed by FIFM & FIFM advises users to thoroughly & carefully investigate all matters related to any financial, investment, tax, legal, medical or any advice of a professional nature before making use of any said service.
Please contact FIFM immediately should you experience any illegal, dishonest or blatantly substandard service from any member listed on FIFM.
FIFM will always attempt to keep all information current in the services directory, but there is the possibility that you will encounter outdated information & FIFM cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies.
FIFM has no control over external third-party websites or links provided by members.
FIFM highly recommends you carefully read all terms & conditions before committing to, or signing up to, any service or other commercial activity.
FIFM & its owners are not responsible for anything that takes place as a result of your usage of any sites or information listed or linked to/from FIFM.
By visiting this website & utilizing the information contained herein, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk & assume full responsibility for the consequences & hold the owners and operators of FIFM harmless